Monday, May 4, 2009

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The Queen Magaly Medina Jesus Vela was born in a humble home in Huacho (Lima), 31 March 1963 and is a controversial Peruvian journalist, admired and criticized with the same intensity. Count the program "Magaly TeVe" which airs Monday through Friday live at 21:00 pm by ATV (Canal 9 de Lima).

with ease and critical scorn and judge the lifestyle of the Peruvian celebrity he calls "Chollywood" union of the expression, "cholo" and Hollywood. Through for his television criticism and uncovers the lives of presenters, actors and showbiz personalities Peruvian own. His reports air the daily lives of these artists. Early

in journalism began in the Peruvian press, but his foray into the media occurred in the mid 1990's in the news program of debates "Crossfire" in which he and other journalists and linguist Martha Hildebrandt (member of the Peruvian Academy of Language) questioned and harshly criticized and now defunct known television host Augusto Ferrando, whom he described as vulgar and tawdry for his driving style in his late program Springboard to Fame. This happened in the program, which had announced a "tribute" to the popular TV character, the show and equestrian American.

His start on Peruvian television came on "The News" of ATV. It was only a sequence of events called "Although he likes it." Then the space program went on to become their own. Time was then called Magaly TeVe, which still retains name. This program was broadcast a few seasons Frecuencia Latina signal before returning to the ATV. Magaly

immediately struck not only vipirina its language, but also by their appearance, far removed from the accepted standards of beauty Peruvian television, becoming a sort of "avenging" the ugly of Peru, revealing the sins of the "handsome" and famous characters Peruvian showbiz.

This is a controversial word of Quechua origin, used to identify cases in which someone is found against his will, doing something hidden. The success of Magaly space is due to the famous "ampays" (hidden camera recordings of television personalities and sports in compromising situations), which have earned him a program whose tuning range among the first places, seeking thereby generating outrageous and embarrassing situations. Nickname

Magaly Medina, thanks to the many scandals and embarrassing ampays broadcasting his daily television program, has been nicknamed "Magpie" and he appeared as a result of your program's mascot, a stuffed magpie which is always in the studio and on the promotion of the program. By extension, their employees and hunters ampays scandals or playfully called them "crows." Gisela Valcárcel

His main victim has been Gisela Valcárcel media, whom he called "the six points," referring to six rating points that got the aforementioned driver in their latest projects, all of short duration. However, from May 2008, the situation seems to have changed, towards reconciliation by Ms. Valcarcel.

news story Print Media: Daily Mail, Eye, Hear and magazine Revista Magaly TV.
TV: ATV News, Despite who Pese, Magaly Magaly Teve and TV. Case

The most remembered of the career of Medina was Prostivedettes scandal, which came to film several Peruvian dancers having sex in private places. This has earned him be subject to many legal actions before the Peruvian judiciary, having been convicted criminally for the case of the ex-dancer Monica Adaro for putting hidden cameras in a hotel.

Other court cases lost in a defamation suit that will engage Gisela Valcárcel, which earned him a suspended prison sentence and payment of civil damages to the victim. In 2008, faced two lawsuits pending against him: that of producer Ephraim Aguilar and footballer Paolo Guerrero, lost them both. In the case of Efrain Aguilar, producer for "That's Life", Magaly Medina had the producer said they had been taught "everything" he knew his wayward actors, known for its scandals, fights and drug abuse. Justice was sentenced to perform community service. Imprisonment

In 2008 the Peruvian team faced several scandals Football media for participating in parties with women and alcohol, especially after the game played against the Brazilian team. The program Magaly Medina said the player Paolo Guerrero had escaped from the concentration a few hours before the game against Brazil and had been in the street until two in the morning, when in reality its output would been two days before the game.

On October 16, 2008, Magaly Medina was sentenced to five months of deprivation of liberty with producer Ney Guerrero after losing the case the player Paolo Guerrero. This caused great controversy in Peru to be considered a violation of press freedom or a "smokescreen" of government, including President Alan Garcia Opinió about it, but also caused great satisfaction among the opponents of the controversial journalist . Medina was found guilty of having committed the crime of defamation to the detriment of that player. She was imprisoned and kept it confined in punishment cells in the prison of Santa Monica, district Lima's Chorrillos. Furthermore, his producer and former partner, Ney Guerrero, was sentenced to three months in prison San Jorge.

His lawyer filed an appeal, on appeal in which Magaly Medina was sentenced to 2 years probation and producer Ney Guerrero was acquitted. So the journalist was freed on December 31, 2008, within hours of the new year. Leaving

, Magaly Medina revealed he was in a deep depression and was being treated by two psychiatrists, so we decided to postpone the relaunch of its television show and rest in Miami, where he has an apartment.

Meanwhile, it emerged that a group of criminals had tried to kidnap his son Gianmarco and ask for a juicy ransom, however, the plan was discovered in time and kidnapping was foiled.


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