are all invited to Chek this film from director Edgar Wright, a comic book adaptation Scott Pilgrim, which chronicles the adventures of a twentysomething who must defeat the "7 ex boyfriend claims" Ramona Flowers, love of your life to be happy with it.
The film is interesting to rescue various elements of pop culture of today such as video games, music and comics, with sequences and effects are very successful thanks to a dynamic and contemporary direction. A fun stripping that 2010 leaves us in the repertoire of productions redeemable Hollywood.
One thing funny or not the movie is that two of the villains (very bad) Scott superhéores have played before to the likes of Superman or the Human Torch in Fantastic 4, talking about Brandon Routh playing Todd Ingram , and Chris Evans playing Lucas Lee. Some very curious cameos in all cases.
What? Scott Pillgrim
vs the world When? Friday January 7
Where? School Auditorium Professional Communication Sciences - UNSA
Time? 11:45 a.m.
much? Free!
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