Thursday, November 18, 2010

Alicia Rhodes Why Did She Retire

Pablo Neruda's Tomb Tomb of Ruben Dario

Ricardo Eliecer Neftali Reyes Basoalto
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was born on July 12, 1904, in Parral, Chile Santiago, his mother died of tuberculosis when he was a month old. Known by his pen name Pablo Neruda , more later became his legal name. It was a Chilean poet and Communist activist, considered among the best and most influential of the twentieth century.

was called by the novelist Gabriel Garcia Marquez: "The greatest poet of the twentieth century in any language" policy was highlighted as a senator of the Republic, member of central committee Communist Party and candidate for the presidency of Chile.

Among his many awards include: the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971.

In 1917, he published his first article in the Morning, Temuco, with the title of "Enthusiasm and Perseverance" .

Featured Among his books are:

His last public appearance, was the 5th of December 1972, where the Chilean people paid homage, the poet in the national stadium. Then in February 1973 for health reasons, resigned as ambassador to Chile in France.

With worsening their health, a September 19, 1973, is rushed from his home in Isla Negra, Santiago de Chile. Four days later, a September 23 died in the clinic Santa Maria, a victim of prostate cancer.

Days before September 11, the government of Allende was violently overthrown, by the coup led by General Augusto Pinochet, Neruda's house in Santiago, had been looted and burned their books. His funeral was held at the General Cemetery, surrounded by soldiers armed with machine guns.

Finally, a December 11, 1992, the remains of Pablo Neruda are exhumed and taken to a viewing ceremony in the Hall of Honor, the former National Congress. One day later fulfills the wish of the poet, his remains were buried at his home in Isla Negra. That place and all their belongings are now a museum, administered by the Neruda Foundation.

House Pablo Neruda, Isla Negra. / Gallery

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Can You Use Anbesol While Pregnant

Félix Rubén García Sarmiento
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was a Nicaraguan poet, leader of the modernist literary in English. He was born on January 18, 1867, in Metapa, now Ciudad Dario, Matagalpa, Nicaragua.

birthplace of poet Ruben Dario , Ciudad Dario, Matagalpa Nicaragua

called the Prince of English literature. It is the poet who has had a greater and more lasting influence on twentieth century poetry in the Hispanic . He published his first poems at the age of 11 years.

Among his poems are:

The Blessed
fatal tree is just sensitive, and more
hard stone, because it no longer feels
because there is no pain greater than the pain of being alive,
no greater sorrow than conscious life.

Being, and being nothing, and have no fixed course,
and fear of being and a future terror ...
and the certain terror of being dead tomorrow,
and suffer for life and the shadow and

I do not know and only suspect, and the meat
tempts with its fresh bunches
and the tomb that awaits with its funeral bouquets,
! and do not know where we , or where we come ...!

Ruben Dario Monument located in the park of the same name

Among his most important works are:

Ruben Dario traveled around the world, being welcomed in many countries such as Guatemala, Costa Rica, Spain , Cuba, Argentina, France, among others. At the outbreak of World War I, returned to America, to defend the idea of \u200b\u200bpacifism to the American nations.

arrives in Leon, the city of his childhood, a January 7, 1916 and died a month later, on 6th February, his funeral lasted several days. He was buried in the Cathedral of León, was buried on 13 February of that year.


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Vaseline To Masternate

Jules Gabriel Verne
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was a French writer of adventure novels, was born on the island of Feydem in Nantes, France, February 8, 1828. It is considered one of the fathers of science fiction, along with HG Wells. It is the second most translated author of all time, after Agatha Christie. Some of his works have been translated to film.

predicted with great accuracy in his fantastic tales, the appearance of some of the products generated by the technological advances of the twentieth century such as television, helicopters, submarines and spacecraft. He was awarded the Legion of Honor of the Republic of France for their contributions to education and science wing.

Among his most important works are:

died a March 24, 1905, at 77 a victim of diabetes, caused global mourning his death, his funeral was attended by ambassadors of various countries, with the March 28 that transfers the hearse to the cemetery of La Madeleine in Amiens where lie the remains.


Monday, November 1, 2010

Error 1311 Command And Conquer

Chcos, there are an invitation to all graffiti writers and artists of the city, I hope you put the batteries and have access to participate then no splitting of the murals, as last year left jajaja melgar the stadium.